This page lists all of our uncensored Paula Patton nude photos and videos. Browse more naked celebrities from the link in the right bar.
Here's Paula Patton topless in 2 Guns.
We get a good look at Paula's breasts in this scene with Denzel Washington as she walks up to tbe bed topless with a drink in hand.
The best look is in the beginning then we get a side view with her hair slightly covering her breasts before she faces the camera again.
She must have a thing for Denzel because she also appeared topless in his film Deja Vu.
Paula Patton Topless For A Drink in 2 Guns (Video)
Here's Paula Patton nude in a scene from Deja Vu.
The brief scene features the control room technicians examining Paula Patton naked to gather some essential intelligence on their mission.
We see Paula's bare ass and also get a brief peek at her breasts before she heads into the shower and closes the curtain.
She stars in the upcoming Mission Impossible film so it's heartening that it's not impossible to convince the beauty to get naked on screen.
Paula Patton Nude Is Essential Intelligence In Deja Vu (Video)