This page lists all of our uncensored Geri Halliwell nude photos and videos. Browse more naked celebrities from the link in the right bar.
After enjoying some time in a bikini, Geri Halliwell decides the best way to beat the heat is to lose her top altogether.
The former Spice Girl tries to save her modesty as she rips off the bikini top by putting her hands over her bare breasts.
But with handfuls like those to handle, Geri Halliwell's topless nipples peek right through for a special treat.
Now that the Spice Girls reunion tour is coming up, we've got some uncensored Geri Halliwell nude photos to share.
Some of you may know that Halliwell worked as a nightclub dancer for a few years but not many people know that she also posed naked as a glamour model before she rose to fame.
The shots show Geri Halliwell naked from top to bottom with shoulder length hair, ample breasts and rather well manicured pussy hair.
Credit to The News Vault for the photos.